Mindset/Adaptability Intelligence with Jennifer Zamecki

Now the #1 Skill for Future Success

Why? Because:

  • 40% of jobs today will no longer exist in the next 10 years.
  • 40% of jobs today will no longer exist in the next 10 years.
  • $1 TRILLION – cost of lost productivity due to anxiety and depression.

Research has shown that adaptable people have the ability to confidently navigate evolving circumstances – a valuable asset as the world attempts to figure out new hybrid and remote workdays. But this trait is not just something that can make employees more effective: adaptability may also improve workers’ well-being, because it can mean they’re better prepared to deal with change. Well-being is a HUGE topic today & will be for years to come.

The idea of adaptability, as well as learning how to strengthen it, is key to helping you get ahead at work & life.

As the world of work is a constantly moving target, it’s no surprise Adaptability has become the skill employers are searching for. A 2020 Harvard Business School survey showed that 71% of 1,500 executives from more than 90 countries said Adaptability was the most important quality they looked for in a leader. And data from a 2021 McKinsey & Company study revealed people proficient in adaptability were 24% more likely to be employed.

To thrive in the new workplace today – and stand out to employers – getting familiar with the idea of Adaptability as well as learning how to strengthen yours, can help you get ahead.

What is the AQai Assessment tool? Why is it the new must have skill today?:

We have entered the fastest period of change the world has ever seen. Adaptability is the key to transforming the way your teams and business reimagine their future. Unfortunately, research reveals that only 1 in 4 employees have high Adaptability levels.

What does AQai measure?

  • AQ Ability: How and to what degree does an individual adapt?
  • AQ Character: Who adapts and why?
  • AQ Environment: When does someone adapt and to what degree?

AQai has compiled all the existing data with the ability to benchmark against the global average to see how you fare up against the rest of the world. This gives individuals a greater understanding of what they’re doing well on and what they might need to focus more on.

AQai is the most comprehensive Adaptability Assessment available today!
Adaptability Quotient is what Emotional Intelligence did for careers in the 1990s and early 2000s.

Pioneering research by Adaptai dissected these skills and identified 17 dimensions that can impact our ability to adapt successfully.

  • Assess your AQ using 17 scientifically validated measures
  • Compare your AQ (adaptability quotient) to thousands of people in hundreds of companies across
  • Receive a personalized AQ report with tips and recommendations

Connect with our AI chatbot personality, Aida, to make discovering your AQ score a ton more fun than any other assessment experience. On average, it takes only 25 minutes to complete and involves a series of scaled questions, free text answers, and multiple-choice questions. An assessment experience that encourages your true self to shine through.

Actionable Insights

It’s one thing to get a score but it’s another to do something about improving it. Your AQ profile will show you how to actively improve it with a whole host of exercises, activities, short lessons to follow, videos, podcasts, and books to read.

Unlocking the Power of Adaptability now.

What can you, your team, and your organization do to boost Adaptability?

Being able to see how change-ready and adaptable different teams are, enables you to accurately plan your training and development initiatives. View the distribution of where your team is within each dimension. Identify specific upskilling and reskilling needs.

Determine your Team’s AQ Mindset power.

We live in unprecedented times, and our challenge is to build businesses that will thrive in a world of unpredictable and accelerating change. So what can you do to boost your team’s AQ power?

Participants Get Their Own Personalized AQ Assessment, Available Immediately Upon Completion. They Can Start To Discover Their AQ And Quickly Begin To Improve It. Empower Your Team To Discover Their AQ Scores, Collectively Work On Your Team’s Change-Readiness, And Boost Your Team’s And Company’s Ability To Adapt Faster.

If you want more help improving your AQ abilities, engage WRC to build your leaders, employees, team, and company AQ.

Team AQai reports are available. This is a great tool to benchmark employee engagement, team culture & EQ health & well-being, a MUST in today’s remote work environment.

What To Expect

Over the next 30 days, you’re going to experience a coaching program unlike anything else you’ve done before. This isn’t an online course. It’s not a series of emails with inspiring quotes (even though it’ll include plenty of those!) And it’s not a training portal that you’ve got to remind yourself to come back to.

AQplus is a world-class, finely-tuned coaching experience designed to help you develop the adaptable mindset required for today’s ever-changing world!
WARNING: Growth doesn’t come easy and it’s not automatic. What you get out of this experience will be directly proportional to the effort you put in!

Here are the types of experiences you can expect over the next 30 days:

World-Class Content – You’ll discover videos, podcasts, and articles from experts and leaders in the Growth Mindset or resilience space.

Challenges – Learning new content isn’t enough. You’ll be challenged to put what you’ve learned into practice. At the center of this 30-day experience is the week-long Bounce Forward Challenge!

Going Deeper – Do you want more? We get it. You’re one of the superstars that want to go deeper. Don’t worry. We’ve got you covered and will provide several opportunities for you to discover more world-class mindset content.

Habit Builder – We know that building a growth mindset & resilience doesn’t just happen in 30 days. Towards the end, you’ll have an opportunity to develop a system that will hold you accountable for growing your mindset or resilience over the months and years to come!

Guided Journal – Self-reflection and processing your experiences are essential for growing and building mindset & resilience. We’ll provide several opportunities for this along the way.

What's Included:

  • 30-Day Growth Mindset OR Resilience Coaching Journey which includes curated videos, podcasts, and articles from today’s thought leaders
  • Our popular YETI Challenge to help you put into practice what you learn
  • Expert tips to Build an AQ Growth Mindset or Resilience
  • Your Personal Guided Journal

Skills to improve:

Growth MIndset
Mental Flexibility

Options Available to Take You & Your Team to New Levels:


  • 2 Hours Live Internet Sessions
  • Work on One Skill at a Time
  • Individual AQai Profile
  • Team AQai Profile
  • AQPlus Mindset Course
  • AQ Team Training
  • Starting at the price for 5 Team members.


  • 3 x 2 Hours Live Internet Sessions
  • Go Deeper into One or Two Skills
  • Individual AQai Profile
  • Team AQai Profile
  • AQPlus Mindset Course
  • AQ Team Training
  • Starting at the price for 5 Team members.


  • 10 x 90 Minutes Live Internet Sessions
  • Multiple Skills All Year Long
  • 2 Sessions Each on All (5) AQ Skills
  • Individual AQai Profile
  • Team AQai Profile
  • AQPlus Mindset Course
  • AQ Team Training
  • Starting at the price for 5 Team members.

Individual Packages

Package 1

  • AQ Profile.

Package 2

  • AQ Profile
  • Mindset course.

Package 3

  • AQ individual coaching
  • 90 minutes call for $350.

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