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About Us
Enhancing Organizational Communication and Performance Since 1997
Well-Run Concepts Inc. has been providing organizations with strategies for improving communication within organizations since 1997. Having managers and employees who are satisfied and motivated, but more importantly, qualified for the position is an invaluable asset to any company.
Well-Run Concepts is built on the principles of human performance improvement. All coaching, consulting and training are results oriented, measurable and guaranteed to increase your bottom line through loyal and productive Top Performers.
A Few of Our Clients

Our Assesements
Well-Run Concepts Assessment Tools help leaders and team members better understand the dynamics of individual employees. Our Corporate Coaching help translate these findings into major organizational improvements and work groups.

Well-Run Concepts Inc. has been providing organizations with strategies for improving communication within organizations since 1997. Having managers and employees who are satisfied and motivated, but more importantly, qualified for the position is an invaluable asset to any company. Understanding our communication style, emotional intelligence, and underlying motivation can empower us to thrive through more skillful communication and action. Personalized coaching from Well-Run Concepts can help you tap into your own unique make up to flourish both personally and professionally.
Organizational improvements start at the individual level. For over 25 years, Well-Run Concepts has helped organizations and teams thrive through the art and science of job matching and people development. Well-Run Concepts uses a blend of DISC, Emotional Intelligence and Motivational analysis to decode and define the DNA of an organizations 'best fit'. Learn how to make the right hire, every time.

Our Courses
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What they say about us
The last hire we made you nailed! You were spot on about her strengths, weaknesses & who she is.
You told us exactly how to train onboard her and it worked! She is doing fabulous and that coaching you gave us made all the difference.

The best part of the training is your self-awareness. I’ve been sick for 20 years and never knew why I was reacting or lashing out in a certain manner; of course, it was due to illness triggers, but it was also due to my own EQI. I wish I had known these strategies or tools earlier.
I now have a complete understanding of my strengths and weaknesses and the knowledge for improvement.
Not only will you benefit personally, but you will benefit professionally. Your co-worker will thank you for your new found EQI skills as well.
~ Erica Dobson, Training Coordinator
I found the time spent reviewing the 5 EQ skills and comparing them to my report very informative and helpful, since I will need to understand and explain them when In facilitate an EQ session.
Operations Training Manager, Ortho Clinical Diagnostics
The best result was gaining a better understanding of my personality traits and motivators, using easy-to-understand objective criteria developed by years of research.
~ Niedzwiecki, Senior Program Manager
The structure of the models and the expectations from Jennifer helped me to understand myself better.”
System Architects & Shared Assets, Baden Switerland
I found the materials interesting and helpful. They are certainly thought provoking and I expect to go back and reference them from time to time.
~ Kurt, Program Manager, USA
I definitely liked the experience, and it helped me overcome some difficulties, and be a little more positive, setting and keeping goals for myself.
~ Levente, Engineering Manager, Budapest
I found this training to be super worthwhile not only for myself but I can see the application with my team. I also like having the knowledge and the tools to grow in some identified areas to increase my own EQ.
I liked the structure and found the class easy to follow. The recordings were super helpful as well.
Elizabeth Heisey, Special Agent in Charge
It was an "eye opener" to actually see and hear the accuracy of my behavioral styles both natural and adapted. It's a great class if you are willing to learn more about your behavior and those of others in an effort to improve how you communicate with others.
~ Mid-level
The best result of the process was gaining a better understanding of my personality traits and motivators, using easy-to-understand objective criteria developed by years of research.
~ Richard, Senior Program Manager
Jennifer is a dedicated professional, consultant and strategist. I have worked with her on several occasions and have known her for many years. Trust her to give you the best advice.
Greg P. Smith
Well Run Concepts changed my perspective, my plan and my future. Jennifer Zamecki became a larger part of my personal transformation than I had ever expected her to.I owe much of my happiness to Well Run Concepts.
Kip Williams
Jennifer is knowledgeable, creative and has a true talent for matching needs with unique creative solutions.
I recommend Jennifer to anyone looking for insightful support, collaboration and advice.
Claudia St. John
Jennifer is a professional of the highest caliber who is committed to delivering the best service possible to her clients. In addition, she is always willing to share best practices and ideas with those of us in her professional network.
Tricia Neves

Contact Jennifer
Have a question or feedback? We'd love to hear from you! Feel free to reach out using the contact information provided below.
Well-Run Concepts Inc. 3035 SE Maricamp Rd Street Suite 104-216 Ocala Fl, 34471